

Nestled in her saddle

I sit upon her fallen hair

She holds me effortlessly

As she eternally stands tall

Reaching up towards the celestial orchestra 

Towards the full moon tonight

Such peace washes over me

As the moon's light peers through her trunks 

Each one an expression of her long life

Some young and narrow

Others girthed and knobby 

One fat and broken, burls galore

I climb her like a monkey gnome

Remembering the art of shapeshifting 

She inspires me to be masterful

Her giving ways, beckons reverence 

She invites me to be still

Her silence is the birthplace of stillness

The shadows she casts 

Allows the light to shine bright 

Moon Maiden above shining 

Her reflection of the Sun Warrior

He who stirs the cosmic cauldron

Oh Great One, I feel your ancient burn

Seed of the Flames of Creation

I bow to the fire within you 

For it is in me

My our flames forever burn 

Fueled by the source within and without

I am humbled by the Elementals

Three orbs dancing upon this eve

Through time and space

Together living a primordial tale

One so vast, that my story is but a blip

A squirt and then a splash

To ashes and stardust blowing in their winds

To fertile soil I Return

Giving potential to new myths to sprout 

For I am but a man with a mission

To remember the old ways

To keep them safe and practiced

For the youth to learn and stay connected

To her root of the old solodigm

When our ancestors listened to their Whispers and learned from their groans 

When our ancestors broke bread with Distant Nations and neighboring tribes

When the mamas and papas were equals

Sharing the burdens and gifts of their lives

In a not too far off time 

When we treated her lands 

As a sacred garden

Only taking what we need to be nourished

When we sang upon tundras with skin drums

Echoing prayers to the old ones

As Northern Lights embodied gods

Illuminating the grand mystery of existence 

I remember now... 

Thank you tall trees and Super Moon

Thanks soft ground and redwood duff

Hello animals on the prowl

I hear you approaching

Making rustlings in the sticks

Come sit by me friend

Let us remember together our sibling hood 

As children of her mother majesty

With wonder on my brow

Typing these words under 

Shadow and moonlight

Held by redwoods growing upright

Upon a ridge of Princess Tamalpais

Thank you for this glowing night

Mac Murphy